Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mahbub (Mince Beef)

The menu is easy, only eggs, mince beef, suitable for breakfast. I am given a prescription from a friend. Try it and the children will be like it...

Ingredrient :

2 eggs
50 gr mince beef
1 tbsp flour
1 onion leaf, sliced
1/2 tsp garlic powder
salt, pepper

How to make:
All the materials are mixed together. Then fry in hot oil, oil is not too much, the form of round, until browned, serve with chilli sauce... Very easy...

*Source : modification by Ike


  1. mbak, ini perkedel ta ? keliatannya enak, dimakan sama nasi panas kepul2, wiiii

  2. waw.. ini mah Bakwan versi Bangsawan. Wahahahaha...

  3. Iyoo iii, setor nasi sepiriiiinggg.......... aku dataaangg

  4. To Mae, Mira, Mbak Rahmah
    Siniii...kita makan-makan yuuu sama nasi ngebulll... duuh bakwan bangsawan gaya....piringnya tapi jgn kembali ya mbayuuu....
    tengkyuuuuu temansss....

  5. ini kyk bakwan daging ya mbak Ike... wah patut dicobain nih :)

  6. Ike - to mbak Ayin
    He he...aslinya ga pake terigu mbak...tapi saya kasih 1 sdk terigu, jadinya kayak bakwan...enak buat sarapan praktis...he he
    makasih mbak udah mampir...
