Monday, November 24, 2008

Cream Cheese Banana Cake

This is a special banana cake, as the say in the cream cake. Really good. You should try to make it very easy...

Ingredrients :
2 ripe bananas, I'm packing Cavendish
1 banana for toping
3 / 4 cup self-raising flour
75 g (11 / 4 tbsp) brown sugar
50 gr (1 tbsp) sugar caster
1 egg
100 gr (2 tbsp) Butter
100 gr cream cheese Philladelphia
1 / 8 tsp yeast (actually I need time yes, but does not need to 'coz is self raising flour indeed)

Crushed banana cream cheese, I use a hand mixer ...

Material mixed eggs, Butter, brown, caster, mixed up, enter the flour, stir well again.
Enter the dough into banana flour dough, Mix together.

Prepare Butter loaf, cast the dough, give toping over bananas.
Roast in oven temperature of 180 degrees c for 35 minutes.

This is the result ... soft and tasty, had not failed, he ... children is not because the patient sample the flavor of bananas have been given the grill ...

Dalam bahasa Indonesia...

Cream Cheese Banana Cake

Bahan :
2 buah pisang matang, saya pake cavendish (karena yg bertebaran disini pisang jenis ini)
1 buah pisang untuk toping
3/4 cup self raising flour
75 gr (11/4 sdm) brown sugar
50 gr (1 sdm) caster sugar (saya tambahin lagi dikit, suka manis sih..:)
1 butir telur
100 gr (2 sdm) butter
100 gr cream cheese phil
1/8 sdt yeast (sebenarnya ga perlu kali ya, kan terigunya udah self raising...*dasar ngarang:)

Lumatkan banana dan cream cheese, pakai hand mixer aja...

banana cake

Aduk bahan telur, butter, brown+caster, sampai tercampur, masukkan terigu, aduk lagi.
Masukkan adonan banana kedalam adonan terigu, mix together.

banana cake3

Siapkan loaf olesi butter, tuang adonan, beri toping pisang diatasnya.
Panggang dalam oven suhu 180 derajat c selama 35 menit.

banana cake4

ni hasilnya...lembut dan enak, ternyata tidak gagal, he he...anak-anak sudah tak sabar mencicipi karena aroma pisang sudah bertebaran saat memanggang...:)

banana cake5

Inilah hasil karya si pemula...

Sourch : Modifikasi Ike Hermawan


  1. it all looks delicous, but I mostly don't understand a word. I love food and i love cooking too. ethiopian food (this is a short article about it: is my fav cuisine. :) Your pictures have made me hungry!!!:)

  2. Really...U want this cake?? oke...i will translate it, latter...thank u...:)

  3. hmmm... ada bau pisang sampe surabaya nih.... yummyyyy !

  4. Waaa...bau pisangnya baru nyampe surabaya??padahal disini udah habizzz...:D
