Saturday, November 21, 2009

[Event MasBar] ; Barbecued Split Prawn with Lemon Honey Sauce

Having family and friends over for a barbecue is a great way to celebrate. So fire up the barbie! This entry, special for Masak Bareng, here is logo....:)

 Barbecued split Prawns with Lemon honey Sauce (Udang Bakar lemon Madu) by Pawonike :

500 g fresh prawn,

Sauce :
3 tbs honey
1 tbs kecap manis
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbs lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1 tbs butter

1. To sauce, place together all sauce ingredient, mixed,
2. And then put on all prawns to lemon honey sauce, marinade for 30 minute.
3. Preheat BBQ flatplat to high and cook prawns flesh side down for 2 mins, turn and cook for 1 mins.
4. Place onto a platter and drizzle with sauce.


  1. udangnya.....hiks..jadi kangen masak udang, tp paling males kalo badan jd bau udang...

  2. Datang mencicipi udang....jangan lupa email setorannya ya Teh :)

  3. Whoaaa.... dicocol-cocol enak bgt ni teh...

  4. hmm..shrimp with lemon honey sauce..soooo yummy... ^^
