Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Soto Bandung (Raddish Soup)

Food soup this often enough I make here, said people do not know if the Bandung can not make soto bandung, said my mother. Lucky raddish not hard to get here, even greater and longer. Unfortunately today without sowing celery, because there are no stock, so it is not flanks (tetelan) with meat, but the bone Chuck, a beef mince, this deliberately, because children love to eat meat if the difficulties, except for chopping, can be greedy without difficulty swallowing , So I chopped frozen cut boxes only.

500 g meat (Chuck bone + beef mince)
1 turnip (Raddish) peeled, sliced flat
3 red onion
2 cloves garlic

2 cm galangal,
2 cm ginger,
1 btg Serai
leaf bay
salt, sugar, pepper powder, adequate

Dried soybean, which has been in the frying
Fried onion
Sambal Soy sauce (kecap manis + pepper pieces)
Orange lemon

Chuck bone stew with bay until soft, enter mince, stir fry, while the first new fine flavor into the broth, ginger give, galangal, Serai, let boil and cooked, raddish, salt, sugar, pepper , Leave the mature, taste it. Serve with complementary food...

Foto & Recipe : by Ike


  1. Ke...jadi lapar nih mau donk.
    love dapurbia.blogspot.com

  2. @ Mae : siniiiiiiiihh...he he

    @ Mira : siniiiiiiiiiihhh juga...:D

    @ Bia : iya tos lumpat ka dapur teh Bia...keyeeeennnn
